A Hitman's Business - Seeking Revenge Demo 2012 - YouTube
Seeking Revenge Demo 2012 - YouTube
Dissonance Demo 2012 - YouTube
Fallstaf Interview on Vinland Radio
The Grind - Punkradiocast.com Interview w/ Fallstaf Pt. 1
The Grind - Punkradiocast.com Interview w/ Fallstaf Pt. 2
C'était L'Hiver de Francis Cabrel (Cover - Amei)
C'était L'Hiver de Francis Cabrel (Cover - Ame)
X - YouTube
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri (Cover - Amei)
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri (Cover - Ame)
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri (Cover - Ame)
Ninjaspy Interview w/ The Big Rock Show Pt. 3
Ninjaspy Interview w/ The Big Rock Show Pt. 1
Ninjaspy Interview w/ The Big Rock Show Pt. 2
Asher Media Update ! Back From Vancouver ! This Ain't Playboy
Fallstaf Interview on DV Metal CKRL 89 1FM Quebec City
X -- Pourquoi et En Criss - YouTube
Angels Can Kill - Promo 2012
Asher Media Update!! Check Mate!
X TV - YouTube
Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Lundi, 18h00 à 20h00
Lundi, 21h00 à 23h00
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Uturn Radio
Mardi, minuit à minuit
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