N SICKNESS is a five-piece canadian band based in Quebec. The band is composed from old members of Laurel (2006-2009), true friendship and a strong chemistry. From southern rock influences with their old band, the formation decided to turn themselves to an explosive melodic sound. Their first goal is to throw a message from their own philosophical thoughts through powerful and epic songs.
Their upcoming debut album called "Behaviors" is hopefully going to be release during 2010. "We will take our time to be sure that everything is perfect. We just want a pure reflection of our mentality for the first record".
We're here for every cause that's worth fighting for; we live in a world where individualism leads our minds and our path. We try to send a good message, to break individualism and show to the world that we have the power to help those who are waiting for us.
The debut album "Behaviors" is coming... stay tuned and be sure to catch them on stage for a new experience!
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Jeudi, 25 février 2010
On chercher un drummer motivié et créatif pour IN SICKNESS dans la région de la Mauricie ou de la ville de Québec. Pour plus d'infos, consulte notre b...
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CKMN 96,5
Jeudi, 19h00 à 21h00
Du Punk Au Presbytère
CH2O 103,1
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
Trinite Radio
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
CFOU 89,1
Jeudi, 21h00 à 23h00
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
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