This is all about experience, questions and what we see as possible answers to everyday's madness....The soothing feeling of beeing on a stage, getting it out for ourselves and for the ones listening and watching. The times you laugh, you scream, you write, you live!
In 2004, DeGrey was created just to endorse reality...In an era where the line between humanity and technology fades, it's fascinating to see how Rock music is felt and used to talk about anything...Well, DeGrey use these moments when you're all alone with only fears and hopes, it's called daydreaming. A touch of sadness sometimes, a touch of rage inside but for sure, always a huge amount of deliverance...Peace, DeGrey
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Auteur: Out of Reach
Dimanche, 3 juin 2007 à 17h04
Beaucoup de moutarde !!!