Projekt F - Projekt F - Killing on the Dance Floor (Official Music Video)
Projekt F - Analog States (Official Music Video)
Projekt F - Nine Lives (Official Music Video)
Projekt F - Killing on the Dance Floor (Official Music Video)
Projekt F - Blue Neon [OFFICIAL AUDIO]
Projekt F - Fatman (Official Music Video)
Projekt F - Killing on the Dance Floor [OFFICIAL AUDIO]
Projekt F - 1986 (Promo video)
Projekt F - Unbegun (Drum Play through)
Projekt F - Unbegun (Drum Playthrough)
Projekt F - Unbegun
Projekt F - Tongue
Projekt F - Room 13 (CENSORED VERSION)
Projekt F - The Wall (NEW SONG!!)
Projekt F - Oophorectomy Live @ Foufounes Electriques 2010
Projekt F - Room 13 @ Club Soda
Pröjekt F - Euthanasia Live
Pröjekt F - Ghost Live
Canal Vox
Samedi, 16h30 à 17h00
Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
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