VETERAN is a Hardcore project formed in the autumn 2006 by few guys of St-Georges who want spread their vision of what's the life. Influenced by loud and brutal hardcore sounds of 80's and 90's and after a few months of practice, we had found quickly the way wanted.
In the begin of 2007, we had record our first Demo of five songs. Then, in the summer of 2008 we had record the EP '' All Can Happen''. We're always search for new show and new place to play. Forget the fact of being Hardcore or not and what kind of style you are. Stop tryin' to be the best, just one thing, have fun with your friends and family. It's maybe your last chance.
All can happen!
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Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Lundi, 18h00 à 20h00
Lundi, 21h00 à 23h00
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Uturn Radio
Mardi, minuit à minuit
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