Unfixed's a local 5 members band from montreal playing music tainted by multiple music styles. Having a lot of influences, their music is creating a great mix of metal, alternative, punk, and more, and each song has his vibe, tending you to follow the flow. If you want to listen to some of our music or if you want to come see us and have a great show, visit our Myspace, written below, and mostly feel free to comment our music!
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Jeudi, midi à 13h00
Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Jeudi, 18h00 à 20h00
CKMN 96,5
Jeudi, 19h00 à 21h00
Du Punk Au Presbytère
CH2O 103,1
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
Trinite Radio
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
CFOU 89,1
Jeudi, 21h00 à 23h00
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
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