an english bio follows
En 2006 Jason se decide de passer de l'industriel au rock solide et start un projet avec un ami Vince. Apres avoir eux des changement de membre (guitarist, et bassist) le band se finalise sur Jason entant que guitarist et chanteur, vince comme drummeur et.... un bassist sans nom qui joue de la bass, alors Bassist il fu baptisé par le band.
Les effects et le coter industriel avec un bonne base de grunge\alternatif pis une pedal double dans le piton nous donne un style qui na toujour pas de noms officiel selon nous. Que la citique nous classe ce n'est pas notre job, nous on joue de la musique!
pour une plus longue version de notre histoir vous pouvez lire ceci (en anglais)
Back in 2006, after making electronic music for decades, Jason decided he wanted to start a band project, he wanted to get the feel of rock and roll music. He mostly listened to electronic/rock bands like Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails. He asked a friend, Vince, to play the drums. Vince, with 12 years of experience as a metal drummer gladly followed his friend. A heavy, double pedal rythm and technical timed beats would give The Vice a heavier and faster tone to an original grunge rock composition. Gerome Audet, a rugged bastard, was given the task of creating destructive basslines and sounds. Alex Larin was recruited to play guitar. At the time Jason concentrated on singing. Sidney Arruda, another excellent guitarist, joined the band as well. Jason was more electro/industrial oriented, Vince and Gerome were into hardcore, Alex was a progressive purist, and Sydney was more into jazz. Unfortunately, Alex and Sidney found different projects and left the band to venture into their more personal ideals. Where do you find a guitarist?? Anywhere. Determined they have what it takes to make the band advance they auditioned people for weeks. Vince and Gerome agreed Jason should play guitar and sing, after some serious, constant, and annoying requests, Jason agreed. From then on, The Vice worked a style of rock that will defy time and ’music fashion’. Later .. a few gigs and overnight recording sessions, Gerome decided that he wanted to aid a humanitarian cause, and left the band. Good luck buddy. You have been, and will be, missed. Later on Atomicjim joined the band as bass player, helped compose more songs and stayed for 8 months before a mutual decision was taken, and he left the band. Unfortunate and sad, but for the better. After going through a phase of destroying instruments and throwing stuff at each other to pass the time, a response to an ad on a public site came swiftly. Like a cloudy sky pierced by the warming glow of the sun, like a pigeon dropping on your head, accompanied by the chanting of a thousand choirboys, we had found a bassist. Or maybe HE had found us. A young stud by the name of Bassist joined the band. Not only is he a totaly loyal servant, but he plays bass like a passionate lover. Now completing the couple of songs they need to finish the album, The Vice is probably going to evolve into a full fledged adventure in the world of rock. The evolution between the first songs and the latest show the direct influence of each passing member since the beginning. The live performances have been stunning, and the music feels like a slap in the face. Believe it, The Vice will not leave you indifferent, whether you like it or not. Testosterone at its best.
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Vendredi, 27 juin 2008
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Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Lundi, 18h00 à 20h00
Lundi, 21h00 à 23h00
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Uturn Radio
Mardi, minuit à minuit
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