The Counselors are a rock alternative power pop band based in Montreal Canada
The Counselors, formerly known as Requiem, have been together 12 years. They've had a few #1 songs in both independent and commercial radio stations in Canada. They played numerous gigs in Canada (Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Sherbrooke, Quebec City) and Europe (London, Berlin) over the years. It all started in 1996, when they released their first EP titled “My Own Utopia” under Sorry Music. Sorry Music is a small indie label managed by the band members. The first song titled « Fading Away » from this EP topped the charts of CISM-FM Montreal for three weeks and college radio stations in Eastern Canada gave The Counselors music a significant amount of airplay.
The Counselors second release in 1997 titled “On Safer Ground” under Sorry Music also attracted positive response from press critics, major labels and college radio stations. In 1997, The Counselors have produced their first video with the song “In time”. In 1999, the Counselors have been the #1 selling artist on
In November 2001, The Counselors went back to the studio to record a single titled “Someone Right Above You”. Durings the weeks and months following this recording, The Counselors hit the air on commercial radios for the first time and their song titled “Someone Right Above You” got #1 at CFJO-FM 97.3 (Southern Quebec) and #6 at CFAI-FM in New Brunswick. This song also had extensive airplay in other commercial radio stations such as CHOI-FM 98.1 in Quebec City and other college radio stations in Eastern Canada from Ottawa to Halifax. This song was then in bilingual format but the song is now ready to be released in other countries of the world in Shakespeare’s language.
The Counselors finished 3rd over 947 bands registered on in the CMJ channel for June 2008!
The new full-lenght album from The Counselors is titled "In From The Archive". Call Sebastien at 514-769-1442 for more information.
CD available in stores in Canada and on,, emusic, etc.
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Rendez-vous Waterloo
CFAK 88,3
Dimanche, 17h00 à 19h00
Punk Plus
Dimanche, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Confessionnal
CIMI 103,7
Dimanche, 18h00 à 20h00
Dimanche, 20h00 à 21h00
Canal Vox
Dimanche, 21h30 à 22h00
Lundi, minuit à minuit
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Auteur: HMP Records
Mardi, 8 mars 2011 à 15h39
Hi there,
Hmp Records is launching a "battle of bands" contest called Revelations 2011
Subscribe for free on
Every night: -8 bands
-1 winner
-1000$ cash
June 2011
It would be nice to see you there!
Frank Davis
Artists support
Auteur: HMP Records
Mardi, 8 mars 2011 à 15h38
Hi there,
Hmp Records is launching a "battle of bands" contest called Revelations 2011
Subscribe for free on
Every night: -8 bands
-1 winner
-1000$ cash
June 2011
It would be nice to see you there!
Frank Davis
Artists support