Still Insane began in 2006 with Eric Dorval at the vocal and Jean-Philippe Vallée at the guitar. In 2009, Sylvain Labrecque took the place on the drums, Jean-Philippe Du Berger was added as a second guitar and Eric Nicole took over on the bass. Since the beginning of the band, they have released one EP, Ready to Crash (2009), and their first LP, Never an Off at the very end of 2012. Still Insane plays a fast, melodic punk rock as we all come to know in the 90's with bands like Guttermouth, Lagwagon, Pennywise and many many more. Since their debut, the band have played with a lots of big names in the punk rock scene, such as Millencolin, Pennywise, Face to Face, Pulley, Cigar, A Wilhelm Scream, Guttermouth,Strike Anywhere, The Real McKenzies, The Queers, Gob ... and with some really good bands of the local scene, Mute, Unbelievers, Fullcount, We Love Danger, Summercheers, MSIS, so long and so forth.
'' We Are All Old Punk Rockers, We Have To All Stick Together '' - The Real McKenzies
Aucune chanson n'est disponible pour écoute
La citation du mois de Still Insane :
Dorval : Arrêtez de vous casser la tête, la vie est courte, faites-vous du FUN!
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Still Insane -
Still Insane - Snowboard Jamboree - 2/3
Still Insane - Snowboard Jamboree -1/3
Still Insane - Snowboard Jamboree - 3/3
Still Insane - Never an Off (full album)
Dimanche, 6 mars 2011
Still Insane est fière de vous annoncer qu'ils entrerons en studio à la fin du mois de Mars pour enregistrer un nouvel album qui comptera 11 tunes pun...
En savoir plusJeudi, 1 octobre 2009
Premierement, MERCI à tous ceux qui était présent la soiré punk rock du 11 septembre du festival Envol & Macadam où nous avons partagé la scne avec ...
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