Stereo Line is three young musicians that love's music. The band started on October 1st with Soufiane as the singer, Paul as the guitarist, Olivier as the bass player and Gabriel as the drummer. Gabriel and Paul played in Hopeful Sixteen and left the band to play more Pop Punk music. Soufiane left the band on february 7th and olivier became the lead singer. So now Stereo Line is gonna rock everywhere they go with their Music.
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Old School Politics, Call Me Doctor, All For Nothing, Winslow, Inside Riot, New Empire, All She Said, The Poppycockers, Tonight, I'm Wasted, MSN, Stereo Line
14 novembre 2009
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Canal Vox
Samedi, 16h30 à 17h00
Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
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