Stand As One does Old Fashioned Moshcore in the vein of Strife, Another Victim and Death Threat combined with a lot of outfit influences! Brutal breakdown, fast parts, sing along, two pieces vocal, dance parts and finger pointing!
The band started in the late august 2004, at the time, Pascal was on vocal, joakim on guitar, JF on drum, but there was no bassist yet. So the band asked to Guillaume who was playing in A Wish Of Redemption to fill the place to let them the time to find a full- time bassist, what he did himself! In early september, Samuel Lessard was playing guitar for the band until Francis, former vocalist for Our Death came into a band practice to become the lead singer, so Pascal took back his guitar and the line-up was complete!
After a couple of shows and a great response from the crowd, the band decided to record their first release[DEMO 2k4] in november 2004. After 3 press sold out, and a lot of shows, they recorded their second release[A CALL TO ARMS] who came out in september 2005. They are now working on their third release[Untitled] who would come out on summer or fall 2007 and doing shows through out the province of Quebec, Ontario, and United States.
They spread lyrics about open mindness, justice, positivity, unity and friendship, the scene, and things they care!
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Stand as One, [Last Show], Dead King, Punchout, The Sleep, A Wish of Redemption, Frontline, Kill the Bride
25 août 2007
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