In the depths of hell, there lies an entertainment district, ruled by Satan’s favourite minstrels, Screaming Demons. Infuriated by the commercialization of Horror Films, Satan dispatched Screaming Demons to the realm of mortals to bestow the uncorrupted message: Horror Films are not entertainment, to be enjoyed with popcorn, but guidelines by which to live. Armed with the glory of sonic evil, humanity stands on the precipice of destiny, as the true meaning of Horror is spread by Satan’s prophets, Screaming Demons.
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Screaming Demons - Screaming Demons - We March! - official video
Screaming Demons - We March!, Katecombes 04/22/2017
Mardi, 2 mai 2017
Ok, come to our shows and get cool patches and buttons! T-shirts are on their way!
Dimanche, 17 décembre 2017 à 14h17
Come to La Vitrola on December 29 to see us with The Lab Ratz and Guttrott! #screamingdemons #thelabratz #guttrot?
Mercredi, 3 mai 2017 à 10h35
Big show on May 14 at Foufounes! Screaming Demons opening for the legendary CJ Roamone! #CJRamone, #Foufouneselectrique, #punkrock ,
Mardi, midi à 13h00
Bridge the Gap
Mardi, 16h00 à 18h00
... avec PunkMeUp
Mardi, 17h30 à 19h00
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Show Caché
Mardi, 19h30 à 20h30
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h00
Dernier Cri
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h30
Mercredi, minuit à minuit
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Auteur: Screaming Demons
Dimanche, 17 décembre 2017 à 13h59
After on years, we've played ten shows, related an EP and put out an official music video! Thanks to all our fans!
Auteur: Screaming Demons
Mercredi, 3 mai 2017 à 10h05
Busy Spring! Just played our first few gigs. We got bloody and we want more!