With nearly 100 shows around Canada within 3 years; a first EP highly acclaimed by European critics; shows with STEEL PANTHER, L.A. GUNS, and MICHAEL MONROE: RUSTED is emerging as a rising star of heavy metal in Canada, with their first full-length album, Rock Patrol, wich have been released in 2013.
Since the band’s foundation in a small northem Quebec town in 2007, RUSTED have persevered through many trials, finally building a strong reputation in Montreal’s musical scene, even recognized and praised by some heavy metal celebrities. Known for their high-voltage performances and their 80’s look, these Quebec glam rockers have been targeted by many promoters and asked to open for international bands.
In 2013, RUSTED finally entered Silver Wings Studio (KATAKLYSM, BLACKGUARD) to record its first full-length album, Rock Patrol; 13 original songs, including their 2012 single Young Wild and Free, recorded by famous Canadian producer Pierre BAZ Bazinet (Celine Dion, Jean Leloup, Paradox). Currently negotiating with labels around the world, these long-haired leather-bound young musicians have already drawn the attention of main Canadian distributor DEP (Universal Canada), and now restlessly await the spreading of their rock across borders and oceans.
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Diemonds, Demise of The Crown, Corvus Rex, Trainwreck Architect, Erimha, Forbidden Sin, Fallstaf, Rusted
25 novembre 2011
DétailsJeudi, 11 novembre 2010
Vous pouvez maintenant vous procurer le nouveau cd de RUSTED : HIT BY au Magasin Sound Central au 4486 Coloniale - Montréal!
Mercredi, 3 novembre 2010
RUSTED sortira le 5 Novembre prochain son premier CD, ''HIT BY'' . Une autoproduction présentant six titres de Hard Rock qui en surprendra plus d'un. ...
En savoir plusMercredi, 13 octobre 2010
Vous aurez noté récemment l'amélioration de notre page Myspace, de nos flyers, du texte de notre biographie, et bientôt le cover de notre premier EP a...
En savoir plusMercredi, 6 janvier 2021 à 19h03
Vient tout juste de publier une photo ? Montreal, Quebec
Jeudi, 14 novembre 2019 à 16h50
?Thx Montreal! ? No matter if it?s -17 outside, there?s no parking accessible close to the venue, it?s a fucking we?
Jeudi, 31 octobre 2019 à 07h47
???Happy Halloween rockers! ??? . . . #rusted #rustedband #halloween #alicecooper #rock #rocknroll #metal #hardrock?
Jeudi, 15 août 2019 à 19h20
50 years ago today ?? "By the time we got to Woodstock We were half a million strong And everywhere was a song and?
Vendredi, 2 août 2019 à 13h57
?? Next RUSTED show Val d?or @ Parc Albert Dumais August 29th . . . #rusted #rustedband #hardrock #heavymetal?
CISM 89,3
Mercredi, 20h00 à 21h00
Mercredi, 21h00 à 23h00
Noise Project
CHYZ 94,3
Mercredi, 21h30 à 23h00
Fastrack Punk Radio !
Jeudi, minuit à minuit
Jeudi, minuit à minuit
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Auteur: Rusted
Lundi, 25 janvier 2010 à 12h26
Deux nouvelles pièces sur la page myspace de Rusted
Auteur: Rusted
Lundi, 7 septembre 2009 à 20h21
Summer Day nouvelle pièce de Rusted dsponible sur et sur .