1999 brought their heads together in Montreal; Ivan, Pierre-Luc and Chris attempted to tune. Jam time a lifestyle, mixing blends of influences we..ve all felt the impact growing up; NOFX or No Use For A Name, Runt also wanted to bring to the table its own withstanding blend of eccentric ditties, individual back-up vocals, splintering drum skills and practical lyrics in no way leaving you to cry in a corner. Best part about these dudes never too damn serious.. They took their basement creations and did their first tour set through Quebec in 2001 with Australia..s ..Ballpoint... Gear was broke, exhaust inhaled, heads were screwed Runt was in. 2002, the guys decided to arm new forces and enrolled the help of Montreal..s ..ex-Trademark.., Dave parting ways with Chris. Now stones were set, songs and tuning were done more than eating. Recognizing they needed to reach beyond in 2002 naively they packed up and headed for Europe with only their DIY attitude for means of survival, no merch, no record to sell, only their songs. Marking their bands own historical significance by touring Europe with no vehicle, they rather hauled around on trains & buses anything that would get them on time, through Italy, France and more even finding themselves, walking down foreign streets to new clubs entire drum-set in hands. Food poisoning, no showers for weeks, waking up with chickens Runt took it all in laughing their asses off, planning to return under these same circumstances again in 2004, why? Ask them... Think it..s done, another good one, 2003 they loaded up the van for 2 weeks of California sunny coast touring again with only their stickers and burnt records. But their highlight on this trip was the fact their unique van only likes propane. Well ask Runt stranded in Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Windsor where someone is willing to pump propane in a fucking van, they..ll let you know. Regardless the shows ruled burning their asses off, digesting burritos.
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Mercredi, 24 janvier 2007
Hey all! After a few badly called shots, P-L and I have decided to share the studio and the stage together once again. This re-unitement was foll...
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Mercredi, midi à 13h00
Rendez-vous Waterloo
CFAK 88,3
Mercredi, 13h00 à 15h00
CISM 89,3
Mercredi, 20h00 à 21h00
Mercredi, 21h00 à 23h00
Noise Project
CHYZ 94,3
Mercredi, 21h30 à 23h00
Fastrack Punk Radio !
Jeudi, minuit à minuit
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