I(Érik) started to play with Sebastien just for fun. Then we wanted to make real band so we asked to J-C to join us as a bassist and we played during almost a year. Then a couple months ago we asked to a crazy redhead guy called Gawii to join our band as the second guitar.This our beginning and we hope this won't be the end...
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Mercredi, midi à 13h00
Rendez-vous Waterloo
CFAK 88,3
Mercredi, 13h00 à 15h00
CISM 89,3
Mercredi, 20h00 à 21h00
Mercredi, 21h00 à 23h00
Noise Project
CHYZ 94,3
Mercredi, 21h30 à 23h00
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