First of all, these five kids are from Gatineau, Quebec. Living in a hardcore scene everyday, they wanted to start a band for the pleasure of playing music and also to produce something serious with the intention to satisfy the croud. Prove Yourself started in December of 2005 and already have been playing shows with many great hardcore bands. Almost one year later the e.p called ''Guilty as a matter of fact'' is on the streets and you should listen to it or pick it up at one of Prove Yourself's shows for only 7$. This band is currently growing up and in the writing of new songs keep cheking out the profile for more news or shows information. In the next months they will record a 7 songs cd which will be their first full length album which will be recorded at Chaotic Sound Studios. Keep checking out more infos coming soon. IF YOU ARE A BOOKER, DESIGNER, OR ANYTHING THAT WOULD BE HELPFULL FOR US AND YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING US LET US KNOW! PLEASE. THANKS A LOT. (
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Silent Genocide, Dead King, Down Beneath, A Lunatic's Confession, Prove Yourself
28 juin 2007
DétailsTry to win, Secret Honor, constant struggle, Dead King, Prove Yourself, roll the dice, Great knights, Not enough
26 mai 2007
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Mardi, midi à 13h00
Bridge the Gap
Mardi, 16h00 à 18h00
... avec PunkMeUp
Mardi, 17h30 à 19h00
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Show Caché
Mardi, 19h30 à 20h30
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h00
Dernier Cri
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h30
Mercredi, minuit à minuit
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