Open Stitches

  • Région:
  • Style de musique:
    Hardcore & Métal
    Actif depuis:
  • Membres

    Matt -
    Lead Guitar / Vocal
    JR -
    Carl -
    Derek -
    Chris -
  • Courriel:


Formed in early June of 2003, Open Stitches started out as a trio with guitarist Matt, his older brother, Carl and young Chris. They started out by playing local venues with familiar faces as a crowd. Eventually they acquired Mart to replace the older brother on the bass instrument, making Carl the new rhythm guitarist.

After nearly a year of growing mutually both in musical prowess and band self-awareness, the four members were ready for a change. They had often played with fellow band "Brainstorm". After the break up of Brainstorm for secluded reasons, Open Stitches made interest in their drummer JR. Since Open Stitches already had a drummer, a damn good one by the way, JR became the head vocalist for the band.

Now a five piece band, Open Stitches concentrates on their music more then ever. They combine hard-rock metal rhythms and melodies with underground hardcore breakdowns and catchy one-time choruses. if I was just a guy that didnt even like our music, says the younger brother, Id stay to watch our set just to watch us swing or throw ourselves around with our instruments. Presence counts alot too... Whats impressive though, says Mart, is that we can do that, all the while stay consistent and tight with our original music. "A great time was had by all when these guys were on the stage! If they're around you should catch their set." -Supernova Entertainment Representative

Nearing the end of January 2006, Open Stitches entered Distortion Studios where they recorded and mixed their single entitled "Behind cover, under fire" with producer Tim Greencorn. This was their second trip to a professional recording studio. The first being with producer Fern Bouie at The Sound Module Studio. This concluded with an independant CD release that sold out in two nights.

A 5 song EP is scheduled to be recorded at Distortion Studios again with Tim Greencorn and a few more tee shirt designs are up for production too so there will not be such a long wait for your merchandise to be picked up at Open Stitches show in your hometown. Label distribution is yet to be organized, so only way to get your merch, is directly from them! That means go see their show! Now!

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Concerts à venir

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Concerts passés

St-Gerard, Gatineau

Le Bop, Gatineau

  • A Lunatic's Confession, Open Stitches, A Silent Genocide, Between Coma And Chaos

    29 juillet 2007


Club Saw (Ottawa), Gatineau

Café inconditionnel, Montréal

  • Open Stitches, Blind Witness, Dead&Divine, In Case Your Curious, From This Burning Sky

    14 avril 2007


Ecole Secondaire Regionale de Hawkesbury, Grenville


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  • Open Stitches / The Roots Of Life EP

    Jeudi, 25 janvier 2007

    Nous allons annoncer la date de la sortie de tout nouveau EP nommer The Roots Of Life tres bientot! Vous pouvez maintenant écouter une extrait de (...

    En savoir plus

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