Dimanche, 23 mai 2010
Since we parted ways with our bass player, we are officially looking for a new one !
You need to be over 18 years old, most likely speaks french and english, owns descent live gear (bass amp), be willing to invest time and money in the band and LIVES AROUND MONTREAL !
If you are or know someone who's interessted, email us via : noblescale@gmail.com
Phil, Charles and Tony ...
Aucun concert à venir
Le Show Caché
Mardi, 19h30 à 20h30
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h00
Dernier Cri
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h30
Mercredi, minuit à minuit
Mercredi, minuit à minuit
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