Mercredi, 3 février 2010
Wow ! It's been a while since we posted something on here ! We are finally going back in the studio in March to start recording our new EP ! We are so stocked about it ! Also, a reedition of our first EP "The Fabric Of Desperate Hearts" is now available at shows. Keep an eye on our show schedule ... we might stop by your place sometime soon !
Take care !
Noble Scale
Aucun concert à venir
Rendez-vous Waterloo
CFAK 88,3
Dimanche, 17h00 à 19h00
Punk Plus
Dimanche, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Confessionnal
CIMI 103,7
Dimanche, 18h00 à 20h00
Dimanche, 20h00 à 21h00
Canal Vox
Dimanche, 21h30 à 22h00
Lundi, minuit à minuit
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