Four guys from a french canadian small town got together to do what they love. The result was impressive. No Big Heads emerged from Quebec’s countryside in 2001. Brought together by the love of punk rock music, NBH plays a catchy, melodic and loud rock influenced by bands like Rise Against, Story of the year, Bullet for my Valentine... In the summer of 2003, they started recording a 4 songs demo CD. One of them was a french song that was number 1 for over a month on the local radio station CHOI 98.1. With their growing popularity, the band was invited to open the release party of a band called Les Pistolets Roses. A month later, the crowd was blown out by NBH's performance opening for an established local band.Early 2004, the band puts the final touch on their original material to enter the prestigious band contest at Laval University, the CONGA, where they won the people's choice prize. Soon after that, they went back in the studio to record their second french single La Bernache. The song was played by many radio stations in the province of Quebec.In july, NBH realises one of it's many dreams, playing in front of a massive crowd. 10 000 people had gathered at the Agora de Quebec supporting the local radio station CHOI 98.1. After this big one, they went back on the road and started working on some new material.In january 2005, No Big Heads enters New Rock Studios for a 3rd time, but this time, to record their debut album "A World Inside". A few weeks later, after a solid performance, NBH won‘’Le combat des bands 2005’’ in Ste-Marie de Beauce. 2008 will be a busy year for NBH. It marks the 400th anniversary of Quebec city but also the release of their second album!! Expect something very loud and mature from the band as they grew both musically and lyrically.
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No Big Heads, Les Bumper Stickers, Noisy Souls, Haute Tension, Alain-Pierre Deblois-Lamontagne
22 mai 2009
DétailsLundi, 7 janvier 2008
Voici un video promotionnel pour le nouvel album de No Big Heads. Vous pouvez le visionner aux adresses suivantes:
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Les Deux Snoozes
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