The Narrowcast is a long story of friendship and whiskey. Being friends for a long time now and sharing the stage together for 3 years under the name Pleased, The Narrowcast is a brand new project starring the same 3 original members. The 2004 break up of the previous band was to focus on the new mature (or more immature) sound of the band and start from scratch. With influences from rock classics like Rival Schools and Jawbreaker to Queens of the Stone Age and The Foo Fighters, their music is halfway between punk rock and rock music.
Under their belt, they've got the experience of 3 recordings, over 70 shows in eastern Canada in 2003, 2004 and 2005 and the winning of a contest to play the Quebec City Warped Tour ‘04. The next step is an album to be released on Tuned to You Records in the Fall of 2007. Stay tuned for that, It will crush your nuts.
You've got to “make your own goddamn luck” and that's exactly what the Narrowcast is going to do.
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