After a few years of well... waiting, here's Quebec City's 10 years-old band Mr. No with their second web release Late, later... latest. Some might ask why it took so long to produce only 8 songs, but the most interested will aim their questions toward the copyleft concept of this album. So to the first question the answer is: "Hey! we all have jobs, and Mr.Nos not it for any of us!"
The second question deserves a longer explanation:
After our first two albums, after paying for studio time, graphic design, booklet printing and CD duplication, we realized that boxes full of unsold albums were pretty much a waste (of money and also of basement rehearsal space). By that time, mp3s had long been exchanged on the web and the record industry was starting to figure out that making plastic donuts wouldnt be as profiting as it used to be. So we decided to call ahead and released Why cant we share? in 2002 on our website. Costs: close to 0$... now thats democracy!
Mr. No believes in DYI and the producing, recording, mixing and mastering of L, L... L were assumed by the band itself. No one else to blame if you hate it.
L, L... L tackles issues such as the current American administration (After all), womens conditions in some extremist beliefs (Dusk), war and media manipulation (Stronger enshrined) and also a song about Quebecs well-known radio-host/asshole Jeff Fillion (On-air).
So download it, listen to it, share it and fuck with it. Its not only ours its yours too.
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