Détails de la nouvelle

  • Lundi, 10 octobre 2011

    Almost four years ago...


    ...Moonlyght was put to rest. We released a last offering, "Shining" and the album received great reviews worldwide. However, the end was inevitable, so much internal tensions in the band made me decide to leave the band that I myself started in 1995.

    Since 2008, me and Luc Gaulin continued our Black Metal band Sorcier Des Glaces. We recorded "The Puressence of Primitive Forests" (the 3rd SDG album) and the album was released on July 2011. We had great time recording new stuff together, and we are planning some more releases for Sorcier Des Glaces in 2012. Luc is also the drummer of the Quebec Melodic Death Metal band Manslaughter Project. They are recording their debut album at the moment.

    Well, that being said, I love to record stuff in our own Hell Studio! We are free to experiment what we want, no pressure at all. I had some inspiration for new Moonlyght songs in the last couple of months, and I'm much in contact with Luc and Thierry too. Don't expect that Moonlyght will come back as a live band at all, I don't like playing live. Moonlyght will forever be a studio-band, that's for sure. But what's important are the musical creations, the darkness that will penetrates your soul!!! The three of us are ready to record a third offering from Moonlyght in 2012, tentatively named "Return to Desolation" !

    I will keep you updated with more details soon.
    Keep on rockin'!!!

    Sébastien Robitaille
    October 9th, 2011


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