Middlename is a pop-punk/alternative band from the south-shore of Montreal. This band has this little something in their music that could bring them somewhere, hopefully far! Since the beginning, Gauthier and Jo had in mind a four-pieces band for their sound. After a long and dark period struggling to find good and reliable musicians, the light is finally shining.
The first step was to reunite with an old time friend, drummer Jo Vallée. It was a natural reunion since those guys begins playing music together. After that, they asked Jay Caballero to join the band as a lead guitarist to finally add another dimension to their sound, something they had in mind for a long time.
Leaving the past behind, it's finally time for those four guys to show everyone what they love to do: playing music. The band is working on their first ever ep and plan to play live the most they can to support it. Stay tune, MIDDLENAME is ready to shave the world, whatever that means!!!
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Ju, Middlename, First Breath, The Whole Week, A Scream From The Sky, Les Mâles Propres
27 avril 2007
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Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
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