-Beer, rock & roll and folk music
As I recall it ages ago... the band first started off with
only Vincy Brat on guitar and Mad Doc. Ratboy on the drums.
The plan was playing celtic polkas and airs on wich we use
to gargarise our stomachs more than a few times in the irish
pubs we loved so much. All they had was barely instruments,
capt. Jack's basement and an awful whole lot of booze. Dave
joined in at about that time. They tried some singers, wich
were mostly bad or heavily non-available. Vince heard in
between branches that an old friend he knew was getting a long
life vacation from the mental institution that very week. The
exact same guy that used to, years before that, go to the pubs
with 'em and knew just about 796 traditional irish songs. After
a few weeks of wanting absolutely nothing to do about it, Rick
changed his mind radically when after several St-Ambroise Stout
he actually hear them play: "fuckyeah I'm in, let's try the shit
-The fire in her eyes
That was the first track they wrote (wich was originally called "firestarter"). After a while they decided that were (kinda) ready
to go through a significant test for any band: recording. Half of
the song got re-writed the same day they got in the studio (Rick
thought the words were fricking stupid and juvenile, and still does for some part of the song.. anyway). So here we are in the woods in a luxurious shack with a pretty neat recording studio, the owner didn't thought we were really funny. When he saw us getting in with our beers trying to set up our stuff and sometimes almost tripping, he ask Vincy (who was the only one who knew the guy cuz he used to gave him guitar lessons back in the days):
"Could you come over here please Vincent, I wanna know what I'm getting into".
The violin part was played by
Charles from Saint-Paddy's
pud. Great great musician. Like we only had to rehearse the song once with the guy then he got in the studio with all his parts and a 20 sec. reel that could rip a wall down. Went pretty well.
-Need more folk instruments
Yeah, one evening Mad Doc told us one of his poker buddies could play the accordion, and if he couldn't he would manage to learn it. So we met that tall,
shy computer technician. So we thought to ourselves: "will he ever survive?"
or "will he realize what he got himself into and run away with our booze?".
But the thing is that actually Marvin is one of the craziest bastads I've even met (get him to your favorite bar and you guys'll get banned for life). Anyway, so here we are now, same line up some years later, doing shows almost monthly and getting all kinds of fans from all kinds of crowds. yeah,
ain't life sweet.
-Rick G
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Alie Sin, Maggoty Brats, Dominic Pelletier (The Hunters), Chasing Bright Light
11 février 2011
DétailsMercredi, 31 janvier 2007
Un nouveau membre officiel vien de faire son entrée dans l'univers des Fucking Swinging Brats. Se guerrier porte le nom de Al et il est accompagné de ...
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