Vendredi, 10 février 2012
hey !!! it is a very thrilling time for us as we are about to enter a studio for our first E.P !! all the songs will be ,with some time needed to do it all, on reverbnation for our fans to listen and /or download. PLUS we are about to start our merch production which will include t-shirt ,patch ,sticker etc. and we're planning on a big launching night for the EP and the merch come back visit often !!!
Aucun concert à venir
Los Johnny Kings - Los Johnny Kings - devil's due
Los Johnny Kings- Prom Queen
Los Johnny Kings - Barbara Ann -
Los Johnny Kings - Burgers & Beers
Los Johnny Kings - Bikini Bottom -
Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Lundi, 18h00 à 20h00
Lundi, 21h00 à 23h00
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Mardi, minuit à minuit
Uturn Radio
Mardi, minuit à minuit
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