Tout commence quand Mark et J-S se rencontre en musique secondaire 2, partageant les mêmes goûts musicaux, ils deviennent amis. Deux ans plus tard, Max, un ami de J-S, se casse la cheville en gappant le toit de l'école en snowskate. Miracle! Il commence à jouer du drum au lieu de faire du snow pendant l'hiver. Mark et Max deviennent rapidement amis et tout commence. Tranquillement mais sûrement, jouant du blink-182 chez max. Formé depuis l'été 2006, Leaving Soon commence à composer fin 2006, recherchant l'originalité dans tout ce qu'ils font.
All started in 2003, in a secondary 2 music class. Mark and J-S were sharing the same musical tastes, but never really played together. Two years later, a friend of J-S, Max broke his ankle after gapping the school's roof on a snowskate. So instead of buying a snowboard pass, he bought a drum. Marc and Max quickly became friends. Playing blink-182 covers during spring of 2006, it's only during this same year's summer that they decided to officially create the band. And it's only during that same year's winter that they decided to write their own songs. Leaving Soon love playing music and seek originality in everything they do.
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