All began March 31th 2006. Sauvé, Claude and Chag was already together in a band, but a drummer was wanted. During the March 31th night, Claude and Chag was in car and they saw J-D walking alone in the dark night...They knew him already, but never thought he would become their drummer a day...He was in another band, but that band died that day, that's why he went to take a long walk. Then he decided to enter in the car with the guys, and they had a lot of fun that night, and they talked and talked and talked...Finaly, Chag offered to J-D to become their new drummer. He accept with hapiness. They had their first jam the April 1st. They continued to practice together and the improved their skill together. They searched very long for a name...They was often saying a lot of names but they never all agreed. And a day, J-D and Sauvé thought of GODSHIT. The four guys agreed with that name, so they played their first show at Gentilly, November 24th. They did an hommage to Lamb Of God, and they made a wonderful show. They received many good comments and they are proud of their first show that made their name known.
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