Galy Booking roster:
AETERNAM: facebook.com/aeternammetal(QC,death black)
BATTLESOUL: myspace.com/battlesoulmetal (ON,folk thrash)
BENEATH THE MASSACRE: myspace.com/btm (MTL,tech death)
BLACKGUARD: facebook.com/blackguardband (MTL,epic metal)
BLINDED BY FAITH: facebook.com/blindedbyfaith1(QC, melodic death)
BUFFALO THEORY: reverbnation.com/buffalotheorymtl(MTL,southern metal)
CRYPTIK HOWLING: facebook.com/CryptikHowling(QC,black death)
CRYPTOPSY: facebook.com/CryptopsyMetal (MTL extreme metal)
DEPTHS OF HATRED: facebook.com/depthsofhatred (MTL,tech death)
FUCK THE FACTS: facebook.com/FuckTheFacts(ON, grind)
GORGUTS: facebook.com/GorgutsOfficial (QC, death)
HEAVEN’S CRY: facebook.com/heavenscry (MTL,prog)
IMMERSED: www.immerseddeathmetal.com (ON,death)
INSURRECTION: facebook.com/insurrectionmetal (QC-ON,death thrash)
KALTER: myspace.com/kalterofficial (QC,melodic death)
LES EKORCHES: facebook.com/lesekorches(MTL,Akousticore)
L’ESPRIT DU CLAN - www.myspace.com/lespritduclan (France, metal hardcore)
MESRINE: facebook.com/mesrinegrind(QC,grind)
MISERY INDEX - www.myspace.com/miseryindex (Baltimore USA, death grind)
PAROXYSM: myspace.com/paroxysmqc (MTL,death)
POINT BLANK RAGE:reverbnation.com/pointblankrage (MTL,death)
QUO VADIS: myspace.com/quovadisofficial (MTL, melodic death)
REANIMATOR: myspace.com/reanimatorthrash(MTL,thrash)
RIOTOR: facebook.com/riotor(QC,thrash death)
SOOTHSAYER: facebook.com/troopsofhate(QC,thrash)
SOUTHERN CROSS: facebook.com/southerncrossmetal(QC, prog metal)
THE LAST FELONY: facebook.com/thelastfelony (MTL,tech death)
TRIGGER EFFECT: facebook.com/triggereffect (MTL punk, rock, metal)
UNBREAKABLE HATRED: myspace.com/unbreakablehatred (QC,death)
UNEXPECT: www.unexpect.com (MTL,prog death black)
* Tribute bands - Hommages *
53rd And 3rd, RAMONES Tribute www.facebook.com/53rdAnd3rdRamonesTribute
FTME(SOD tribute): myspace.com/ftmetributetosod (QC,crossover thrash)
Email: booking AT galyrecords DOT com
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CFOU 89,1
Jeudi, 21h00 à 23h00
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
Uturn Radio
Vendredi, minuit à minuit
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