About The Dockside Hookers......
Dockside hookers have been around for almost 4 years. They used to be a 3 piece band but, to gain acess to a greater sense of melody, they picked a second guitar player. After that, they started to be a little more serious about the band. They wrote more and more songs, build a bigger fanbase and those fans propulsed them to the prestigious rank of Local Heroes! After years and years of labor, seeing they we're getting more and more interest in their music, they finally decided to go for the gold and hit studio to record their first full lenght cd (Yes they have a demo out too, but hush hush, don't talk about that) in the spring of 2007. Now, along with the summer coming up, they have a fresh and amazing album for you, released independently, called "Forever Young". The record's avaliable trough the myspace, email and shows. They'll be playing extensivly during the end of the summer and fall, to promote that jewel of an album. Be sure to catch them live or you'll regret it...honestly!
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The Brains, The Bators, Earthquake, The Z'hat Hash, The Hellhounds, Dockside Hookers, Beer Addict
10 mai 2008
DétailsMercredi, 30 juin 2010
Hey all! It's with sadness we have to tell you that Dockside Hookers have split up. After eight years together, we realized that we didn't have t...
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Mardi, midi à 13h00
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... avec PunkMeUp
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CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Show Caché
Mardi, 19h30 à 20h30
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h00
Dernier Cri
CHYZ 94,3
Mardi, 21h00 à 22h30
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Auteur: Dockside Hookers
Mercredi, 30 juin 2010 à 14h01