Long-time friendships and happy coincidences have put together these five talented musicians with a promising career ahead. Custom Alibi began three years ago when Jhan Mecteau, lead singer, author and composer, decided to start a new group. After many years on the hardcore scene, touring and meeting thousands of fans, Jhan went for some big changes. Along came Maxime Lafleur (guitar), a lifelong friend, Simon Fortin (bass), Jhan’s best friend, Marc Belzile (guitar), a lucky encounter, and Maxime Rowley (drums), whom Jhan met after seeing him perform on stage. Conscious of there varied musical background; they immediately enter into an intense practicing and composing session. It wasn’t long before there were noticed and started a studio recording.
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Good Leftover, Jeffrey Lost Control, The Sober Dawn, Custom Alibi, Arcania Fades
7 mars 2009
DétailsDimanche, 15 mars 2009
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
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