This whole story started around 2001 when Bassman Philtre and drummer Choc invited William McDuff to improvise vocals on their duo band: Double Snare. First ever chance of singing, the skinny-but-kinda-sexy-dark-emotionnal-guy learned the basics of music within a year. They finally decided in 2002 to start praticing togeter on making a Tribute band to Nirvana. Working mostly on their punk-rock material and giving it a strong personnal touch... they made a couples of shows between summers 2003 and 2005. Working on original songs, William, helped by the others, decided it was enough of wannabe learning and that it was now time to workout their own creativity. ____________________________________________________________ June 2006, they record a first demo of 5 songs in an independent recording studio in Montreal. Two days of recording, 3 evenings of mixing and mastering and the baby was born. Still, it was soon to record material for the new band that as just been created. The evolution made it's way and the style became their own. A mix of punk-rock... some post-rock parts.... some just rock.... all this under the main energy of integrity and intensity of their emotional exposure. Starting on this rare mix, particulary in some of their songs and a little bored of the musical borders, Crazydent played with all kind of bands: Punk-rock, Rock, Nu-Metal, East European Folk, Post-rock, Experimental music and more. As they always say: "All that counts is the musical spirit and the potential of sharing this emotion to the others. Music is art and we want art free of vendettas." ____________________________________________________________ Since october 2006 Crazydent is working on their debut album. Recording at the Oscar Peterson Room in Montreal, "An Open-minded Dancing in the Blood" will feature 8 full band songs, one acoustic and one improvised jam. The room is professionnal, as well as the equipment, the results will finally give the world a better idea on the taste of the band's real spin...
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Canal Vox
Samedi, 16h30 à 17h00
Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
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Auteur: Thomas Tiggiani
Lundi, 9 janvier 2012 à 11h39
Si tu joues au Québec tu connais certainement Emergenza, le concours live ouvert à tous les groupes de compositions originales qui depuis 10 ans sélectionne avec des concerts au Club Soda et à l'Olympia des groupes de Montréal qui participeront au Taubertal Open Air festival en Allemagne.
Pour venir voir une soirée gratuitement écris-moi je te mettrai sur Guest List.
Ton groupe est actif, joue des compos et veut jouer live allant peux-être jusqu'en Europe, inscris-toi sur le site avant que les slots de booking ne soient complets.
Pour plus d'infos écris à
Thomas Tiggiani
Emergenza Festival