Cold Insanity is born on summer 2003 when Sam (Drums) and Gab (Bass) decided to start a little drum&bass funky band. 3 months later Dave (Sam's brother) joined us as a guitar player. Quickly we had a couple track wrote down but still voiceless. Then we decided that Pee-O, a friend of us, was the man for the job. And i gotta say, considering these 2 guys had never sing, and played guitar before....They're doin an amazing job. Now that we had a complete band we formed Frag Out, a hardcore metal band. At the end of summer 2004, we've been forced to move to another jambooth, where we met Walex (Guitar) who was looking for a band to join....By that time we were looking for a second guitar player so we gave him a quick tryout, and we knew he could do it. Since that day, things have changed and Frag Out is now known as Cold Insanity, a melodic trash metal band.
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The Plasmarifle, The Last Felony, 3 Mile Scream, Cold Insanity, Return To Strenght
29 juin 2007
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Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
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