When Blind Witness emerged into the metal scene of Montreal, QC. , their agenda was crystal clear. "We wanted to play the heaviest and most authentic music we could! We want to wreck everyone's faces off!" Explains Guitar, PL Desroches. Having been through some line-up changes, Blind Witness is sounding more confident and aggressive than ever. They continue to assault their fans with a furiously intense metal core sound, ambitiously emulating musical inspirations As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, and I Killed the Prom Queen.
To put it simply, Blind Witness is a touring machine - headlining their own indie tours, and stopping at nothing to play a show. "One night, we were supposed to drive all night to our next show, but our trailer's axle broke on the highway!" Explains PL, the band's guitarist. "So we slept in the van, and rented a platform trailer in the morning. With the trailer upside down on the platform, we drove through a snow storm and played the show!" In addition to a short tour with Blessed by a broken heart in October 2007, Blind Witness has also shared the local stage with major acts August Burns Red, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Emmure and Ligeia, to name a few.
It was early 2005 when vocalist Jonathan Cabana, guitarist Pier-Luc Desroches and drummer Kevin Desroches left their own bands, and united with a passion to create music they would be proud to play night after night. "We were three guys who wanted to make music our lifestyle and payback," explains PL. Adding guitarist/vocalist Maxime Lacroix and bassist Miguel Lepage to the roster, Blind Witness was complete and finally ready to dominate the stage, giving intense live performances night after night, Blind Witness will leave you wanted more.
"We do this because we're into playing heartfelt music, touring the world, and not working for a boss!" With this much attitude and dedication, it seems there is finally a band who remembers what the industry has always been about. If making huge and insanely loud metal music is a crime, then all the evidence points to Blind Witness. Case closed.
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Êtes-vous du genre ''party monster'' après un concert ou plutôt du genre qui va dormir paisiblement en attendant le prochain réveil?
C'est pas mal séparé, dans le sens que tout le monde fait le party a tous les jours et PL chiale.
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Obey The Brave, Wisdom In Chains, Blind Witness, A Perfect Murder, Feels Like Home, First Fragment, Teramobil
23 février 2017
DétailsWhitechapel, Death Before Dishonor, GFK, Blind Witness, Dead and Divine, The Hunters, Get The Shot, Forever The Light, Withering Curse, Pray for a Sunset, Cardinals Pride, Dark Circles, Fullcount, Wrong Advice
2 août 2012
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Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
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Auteur: Thomas Tiggiani
Lundi, 9 janvier 2012 à 11h32
Si tu joues au Québec tu connais certainement Emergenza, le concours live ouvert à tous les groupes de compositions originales qui depuis 10 ans sélectionne avec des concerts au Club Soda et à l'Olympia des groupes de Montréal qui participeront au Taubertal Open Air festival en Allemagne.
Pour venir voir une soirée gratuitement écris-moi je te mettrai sur Guest List.
Ton groupe est actif, joue des compos et veut jouer live allant peux-être jusqu'en Europe, inscris-toi sur le site avant que les slots de booking ne soient complets.
Pour plus d'infos écris à
Thomas Tiggiani
Emergenza Festival