Between 11 est un groupe de rock/métal progressif en provenance des Laurentides. Les membres fondateurs de la formation, soit; Abel Mhedhbi (guitar), Alexandre Paquette (bass), Christopher Casselman (vocal), Sébastien Desgagné (keyboard) et Hugo Anthonis (drum), sont ou ont été étudiant en musique au collège Lionel-Groulx et jouent ensemble depuis maintenant plus de deux ans. Le démo du groupe est encore en construction, mais le groupe a à son actif presque 10 compositions.
woahh... its been a long time,
Since that, we've done 1 demo and 1 album. After the demo record,we first changed our bassist Alex Paquette to Marky Dumont in January 2012. A couple months later, Abel Mhedhbi left the band and gave his place to Mat Larivière, we also decided to add a second guitar to our instrumentation and picked up Phil Bebnowsky to do this shit! After all those changes, we finally recorded and launched our first LP Album under the name of "The Epiphany"! The album is avaible easely by joining the band on the facebook page. A couple of shows are coming up in 2015 and we feel very excited about that! For those who didn't watch it, there is a link to the in-studio video of Industry Of Lies the 3rd song of our new album!!!
Take good care,
Hugo A. and B11
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Auteur: Between 11
Jeudi, 12 juillet 2012 à 01h00
Pour écouter nos compositions, il suffit d'aller sur notre myspace. Il y en a quatre qui figureront sur notre Démo.